Lean Project Solutions

We provide tools and services to help organizations manage their work more effectively.


Lean Project Solutions is an authorized partner of Kanbanize.

We provide services and licenses for Kanbanize’s Agile Project Management solutions in the United States and across the globe.

LPS staff are certified to consult and train individuals and organizations on Kanbanize software solutions.

Contact us for licenses, consulting, and training services.


What we are about

We have been involved in the Lean and Kanban communities since 2010. Kanbanize has been our tool of choice for over 5 years. We liked the company and tool so much we became a partner. These tools and methods will help you organize and manage your work at the team, department, and portfolio levels within your company.


This isn’t your father’s scheduling program

Lean Project Solutions, through our partnership with Kanbanize and Actionable Agile, brings the most advanced forecasting tools to your delivery teams, helping you become a trusted and reliable partner with your customers. Isn’t that what delivery is all about?